Olive Tree Congregation Australia is based in Huntfield Heights, South Australia.
We had our 1st Shabbat service on the 4th of May 2013.
We are a Yeshua Centered, Grafted In Congregation digging into the truth of the true Gospel of the Kingdom.
Our Overseers are Garry and Sue Nicolle whose Shabbat meetings and Prophetic Intercession are filled with worship and the Word.
Declaring that Yeshua is the Messiah and seeing hearts of believers in Yeshua return to the Heart of the Father. (Malachi 4:6)
Walking in the Royal Covenenat Torah and celebrating YHVH'S Feasts, His appointed times (Leviticus 23:2)
We believe all the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation are alive and active in our lives.
We seek to live our lives for the glory of YHVH, longing for the day His Kingdom is restored.,
Seeing His Will done on earth as it is in Heaven.